South Korea Has Become a “Global Homo” and We Love it.

2 min readApr 25, 2022

Men as attractive as the Europeans, women as fashionable as the Americans, ever since the era of the Y2K boom, (If you are a Generation Z, that’s what we called the 2000s) South Korea has become the epitome of a Globalist homogenization, Global homos. In other words, South Korea has algorithmically collected fashion, culture, and lifestyles from around the world to generate a global country, unlike China, to hide its nationalism and ethnic tradition for digital social relevancy.

Is as if because North Korea is closed-minded, socialist, and isolates itself from the world, South Korea had and has gone to the extreme opposite to distance itself from them.

Brands like Samsung and Kia have all embraced Global relevancy way better than their Japanese counterparts.

Will consumers continue to care for the universal appeal of Globo homos like South Korean or will the generation of the future favor national individuality in the years to come?

If you’re a fan of Everything South Korean try these items:

Film — Last Princess, Train to Busan, The Handmaiden

Shopping — BTS OFFICIAL Photo Collection, SAMSUNG Galaxy S22 Smartphone, Blackpink Party Supplies




THE NOTION is an opinion blog. Before, global, national, social, racial and political opinions cloud your mind, you had your own thoughts. hold on to them here.